Justin first learned of the Dream Center from his wife, Kourtney. She had participated in several outreach projects with her fellow Dodger wives, She could see why Clayton & Ellen were strong supporters of DC. She was blown away by the way in which they serve the Los Angeles community and immediately told Justin they needed to get involved further.
Located less than 2 miles from Dodger Stadium, the Dream Center is a charitable organization that finds and fills the needs of struggling people. There are many residential and outreach programs operating at all hours. Since 1995, thousands of individuals and families have found hope and healing through these programs. The Dream Center not only aims to meet immediatley needs of the community (food and clothing) but also focuses on the full successful transformation of people’s lives.
DREAM CENTER MISSION: is to connect broken people to a community of support by offering free resources and services that address immediate and long-term needs in the areas of poverty, addiction, and abuse. The Dream Center serves as a resource center focused on finding solutions to homelessness, hunger, and the lack of education through residential and community outreach programs.
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