61st & Normandie Music
“Beats for Your Feet”
Count Me In (Instrumental)
Journey to the Wonderful World of Abdominals
Dog Gone Pelvic Lifts
George (Instrumental) w/Dustin Curtis Boyer
I Do Love You (Boxing)
Count Me In 2 w/Paula Maria Gallitano
Let's Go (Instrumental)
Dion Blast ABS!
Dion Blast Waistline Workout
Delicate (Instrumental)
Quiet (Instrumental) by Paula Maria Gallitano
Everyday is Christmas to Me (Single) w/Kim Yarbrough
Everyday is Christmas to Me -Instrumental
Everyday is Christmas to Me- Kareoke
Everyday is Christmas to Me - Vocal Track
Tap Dance -Instrumental
Time 2 Workout Time 2 get in Shape (Groove)

Our music label, 61st & Normandie Music, creates music tracks to help you stay motivated in your fitness routines. Feel free to download our music for your next workout, or to just relax!