by Dion | Jun 11, 2017 | Beverly Hills: Walk with the Mayor, Causes, EVENTS
JOIN me Monday morning 8:30am in front of Beverly Hills City Hall ( On the Crescent Dr. Side) with the inspirational Mayor of Beverly Hills Lili Bosse, and her #BHHealthyCity “Walk with the Mayor” family, as we ROLL to Roxbury Memorial Park! BIG FUN...
by Dion | Jun 5, 2017 | Beverly Hills: Walk with the Mayor, Blog, Causes
Rollin to with “Walk with the Mayor” Lili Bosse’s #BHHealthyCity family today! Fun warmup, good conversation, a great stops along the way. Monday is THE BEST day of the week! Every Monday morning 8:30 am we meet in front of Beverly Hills City Hall...
by Dion | Jun 5, 2017 | Causes, EVENTS
The 2017 Pedal on the Pier with The Laker & Ram Cheerleaders! Always love warming up the cyclists with them before spinners spin for 100 miles! The event brought in over 1 million!
by Dion | Jun 3, 2017 | Causes, EVENTS
Dion Blast! at the 2017 “Pedal on the Pier” June 4, 2017 THE OBJECTIVE: To collectively raise $ 1,000,000 for the HAROLD ROBINSON FOUNDATION, which will fund Camp Ubuntu, which brings over 25 inner city schools on 3 day camp retreats, Camp Ubuntu Watts-a...
by Dion | May 24, 2017 | Blog, Causes, EVENTS
Come on out and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Bring a Vet if you know a Vet! The 2017 5/k Sunday 8am May 28, 2017 with 16 time Emmy winner channel 11 TV News anchor Christine Devine Event Info: New Directions for Veterans, a nonprofit agency that assists homeless veterans,...
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