The 2017 Memorial 5/k Run/Walk with Dion Blast! and Christine Devine
May 24, 2017
by Dion

Come on out and SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! Bring a Vet if you know a Vet! The 2017  5/k  Sunday 8am May 28, 2017 with 16 time Emmy winner channel 11 TV News anchor Christine Devine Event Info: New Directions for Veterans, a nonprofit agency that assists homeless veterans, would like you to join us in walking or running in honor of those who have served and those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces to benefit a great cause – helping veterans get their lives back! There are over 4,000 veterans currently living on the streets of Los Angeles and veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are turning up homeless faster than veterans of other conflicts. New Directions for Veterans Memorial Day 5K is one way to salute and support those who have served! Event Location: New Directions for Veterans WLA Veterans Affairs Medical Campus, 11303 Wilshire Blvd., Bldg. 116, Los Angeles, CA 90073. FREE Parking included!! @bh_chamber , @bhcourier @mybeverlyhills (carpooling encouraged)